Socialising & Play

All SNAPS sessions give children with additional needs and their siblings to meet and have fun with other children, who are experiencing similar things to themselves.

Our sessions are also an opportunity for parents and carers to get together and talk to other parents who may have similar experiences. It gives our families the chance to share information and provide mutual support for each other.

During our Saturday sessions, the main halls are open for 9.30am-1.30pm every week for informal play and socialising. We also deliver a changing calendar of activity that includes Boccia, storytelling, music therapy and dance.

SNAPS’ Family Support Project also offers parents and carers the chance to meet up during the week. This is a chance to take a moment for themselves and build relationships with others who understand what they are going through.

To register your interest in the socialising and play aspect of SNAPS’ services please complete this form 


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