7th March 2022
The first SNAPS Appreciation award for this month goes to Leeanne –

“She’s been so fantastic with my son and his swimming lessons, she somehow gets him to do things, with humour and patience. It really is the best bit of our whole week”

We would just like to say to Leeanne, we really do appreciate you at SNAPS!!
Leanne winning award
Gina winning award
13th March 2022
The Second SNAPS Appreciation award for this month goes to Georgina Frankland –

Gina is an amazing physio, she’s always full of great advice and tips and always works hard to get the best out of Nancie despite lots of tears and resistance. – she always has a smile on her face and her support is of huge benefit to us.

We would just like to say to Georgina, we really do appreciate you at SNAPS!!
1st April 2022
The first SNAPS Appreciation award for this month goes to Luke –

“Always happy to have a chat, Always excited to play any games and get silly with the children Even when I’ve had a hard week, just having a chat with Luke get me back on track for the next week”.

We would just like to say to Luke, we really do appreciate you at SNAPS!!
Luke winning award
12th April 2022
The Second SNAPS Appreciation award for this month goes to Ali –

Ali is always so friendly and helpful. Every time I attend a group or walk with Ali I always leave feeling so much better and like a weight has been lifted.

We would just like to say to Ali, we really do appreciate you at SNAPS!!

2nd May 2022
The first SNAPS Appreciation award for this month goes to Jessica –

Jessica is so lovely, friendly and professional, giving parents an escape to a place of relaxation in a world where peace and quiet is hard to come by! I’d not had a minute to myself since I had my second child and that was the first time that someone was focusing on me and my needs.

I finally felt more like myself minus a few aches and pains! Jessica didn’t rush me and made sure I was relaxed the whole time. She gave me a lovely massage and I can’t wait for another!”

We would just like to say to Jessica, we really do appreciate you at SNAPS!! 

Jessica winning award

The Second SNAPS Appreciation award for this month goes to Charlie – Always making sure all the kids are joining in, takes time out to chat to parents and has advice if needed. Really good with the kids and always has them smiling and laughing. Couldn’t thank Charlie enough for all the confidence he’s given my son over the past 2 months. 

We would just like to say to Charlie, we really do appreciate you at SNAPS!! 

If you would like to nominate somebody for the SNAPS Appreciation award, please follow this link.  

We know the team and volunteers at SNAPS love receiving these awards. 

The first SNAPS Appreciation award for this month goes to Jade – Making us very welcome as we are new and doing messy play with me xx 

We would just like to say to Jade, we really do appreciate you at SNAPS!! 

If you would like to nominate somebody for the SNAPS Appreciation award, please follow this link

I know the team and volunteers at SNAPS love receiving these awards

Jade appreciation award
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